Ulrich Ngoma, the master of ceremonies who makes the difference.

Ulrich is a magician, a virtuoso of the art of oratory. Having become master of ceremonies, this self-taught man blossomed fully in this new vocation that earned him encouragement and admiration. Artiaf went to meet him, to discover an authentic, surprising and rare profile.
Ulrich is a man without history. Born a few decades ago in Brazzaville in the Republic of Congo, he did all his school and university studies, from primary school, to the year of bachelor's degree at the Department of Communication Sciences and Techniques, public relations option at Marien Ngouabi University.
He settled in Libreville in Gabon for more than fifteen years where he works as a salesman in a communication agency. He is also a servant of God in a local church where he excels in gospel singing. But it is in his activities as master of ceremonies, in public and private events that Ulrich is quickly noticed as the verve, the skill and the discipline are unparalleled.
Married and father of a wonderful family, the "MC" accumulates benefits throughout the city. He says that "making the master of ceremonies is a gift for him." Already, by his evocative surname: Ngoma (tam-tam), alone expresses the resonance and lift of his voice. Indeed, the Tam Tam this instrument of music and communication in traditional society speaks volumes. As a result, Ulrich's life to this day revolves around communication, especially advertising and music.
Added to this is another striking fact that recalls that already, as a child, at the primary school Ulrich Ngoma was regularly appointed by the management of the establishment to read the welcome speeches to the political and administrative authorities visiting their school. It was at the same time that one day he had even been designated to read a speech to the President of the Republic when he was only in CM2 class, in addition to his many performances in the theater troupe of his school.
It was in Libreville on the occasion of a demonstration at the Gabonese Ministry of Culture in the presence of Mr. Ndong SIMA, former Prime Minister of Ali Bongo President of the Gabonese Republic that the famous Gabonese singer Landry Ifouta known for his outspokenness noticed him and shook his hand saying "All the MCs of the city are my friends. But what I saw and heard with you flattered me a lot... You just sublimated the manifestation. You were so self-effacing that we couldn't not notice you." And since then, whenever he can he recommends it to his contacts. For Ulrich it is recognition that counts.
But, the job of master of ceremonies is not as easy as we think. The performances remain episodic and the ceremonies themselves are engaging and stressful. Indeed, the insatiable thirst for always doing better that inhabits him forces him to cultivate himself regularly by reading and watching show shows. The management of a ceremony is a heavy responsibility because the success of an event also depends largely on the MC. So it takes a lot of preparation. You have to manage stress and master the technical sheet. In short, to soak up the spirit of the event.
The stress is even greater when you speak for example in front of an audience of eminent African university professors as was the case during an OHADA seminar (in January 2015) and at the end you are congratulated by more than one of them. You understand in all modesty that it is going well and it gives you confidence for the future.
Ulrich has projects, he dreams in particular of a greater professionalization in the field and wishes to transmit his know-how to young shoots. For him, it is a very exciting job that allows you to be in contact with people and meet people at any time. Indeed, he regularly performed in front of honorable Gabonese and African personalities such as Professor Daniel ONA ONDO, the Mayor of the City of Libreville, members of government, presidents of institutions etc.
Ulrich says that it is a profession that requires certain dispositions. First, love what you do, be passionate about it. Then, follow his French classes assiduously. Cultivate yourself, follow the shows with good presenters.
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