Artisans, here are 3 essential ways to sell your creations.

Selling is the ultimate goal of any business, no matter how big or small. Whether you are a retail giant or a startup, or a craftsman...
Selling is the ultimate goal of any business, no matter how big or small. Whether you are a retail giant or a startup, or a craftsman..., when you create a product or service, it is with the objective that it meets a real demand on the market.
If the distribution channels are more or less provided for large companies, for VSEs (Editor's note: Very Small Companies) on the other hand, finding customers can very quickly prove to be tricky. So, here is our selection of 3 must-have distribution channels for craftsmen.
1. Online sales
In the digital age, it seems normal that this is the first means we put forward. Indeed, this first sales strategy has several positive aspects, the most important of which is the dematerialization of stores. Ideal for craftsmen whose workshop is also the showroom and sometimes the home. The online store allows you to test your market, collect customer feedback and thus adjust your creations to offer them that are more in line with the customer's needs.
2. The physical store
For seasoned craftsmen, who have already established their creations on the market; For those whose brand is already well imbued in the minds of consumers, the physical store appears to be the ultimate step in brand establishment.
3. Craft markets and fairs
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