All shipments are provided by our various partners including DHL, La Poste, Artiaf Deliveries etc. Shipping costs are calculated based on the weight of the item. This amount is displayed in the basket before the validation of the order.
However, additional costs are to be expected depending on certain geographical areas. These customs fees and taxes are not included in our shipping costs and we cannot influence their amount. These costs are collected separately by the carrier upon delivery.
As soon as your order is shipped, an email is sent to you with the information necessary to track your order. You know at all times where your package is. We deliver all over the world.
Our deliveries in Libreville
In Libreville, you can collect your products for free in our shop or at our partners. We also deliver to your home if you express the wish. For an additional fee depending on the weight of the item you will receive the item directly at the place you have indicated.
Our deliveries in Gabon
By road, train, boat or plane, our products and services reach you in any country for an additional fee depending on the distance. You will receive your orders in all their integrity and without damage.
Nour deliveries to the rest of the world
We are designed to deliver your orders in all countries. In collaboration with our partner Gabon Poste, our products reach you all over the world no matter where you live. Your order will be shipped on time and delivered directly to your door or any other location you have indicated. The packages are handled with the utmost care, so that the products ordered are delivered to you safe and sound as you expect them.